Friday, April 2, 2010

Goats arrive!

Here are the goats during the first day at their new home. They're only a month old now. They wag their tails and scratch their ears like puppies. They like attention and bleat really loud if you leave them. They're tough to take photos of because they just climb all over you. No names for these boys yet. We were going to call them Tom Petty and Levon Helm but we don't really want to call one Tom. Or Petty. I tried for Buster Keaton and Charlie Chaplin but got denied. Then I tried Sam and Dave, denied again. At this rate we're just going to call them "hey, goat." We turned the chickens loose in the goat pen for the afternoon. The goats were completely unimpressed. If the chickens fed them, the goats might have noticed they were there. The chickens liked rooting around through the brush but didn't pay any attention to the goats either. I brought the dogs out on leash and they were pretty excited. I kept them outside the fence because the goats went into panic flight at the sight of them (smart goats). The dogs thought it was a great game and darted back and forth along the fence for awhile getting the goats to run.

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