Thursday, May 3, 2012

Pergola Bench

I added a bench to the Pergola. I split a couple of logs and made 1" planks. Tough with wet wood and an axe and sledgehammer. The first two small ones I ran on the belt sander after I got them split. The large ones I ran through the planer.

Unfortunately, before I could finish the bench, I had to cut down our last cedar tree. I spent half a day trying to get the tree to fall the right way. I had a rope tied around it, angled around a tree and then tied to my car. The unfortunate part is that it didn't work...

It fell right on top of the goat shelter, of course! Fortunately, the roof on the goat shelter is fine. Not having a smashed roof to fix eased the pain of the screw up. And the goats love the cedar bark!

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